Monday, July 28, 2014

Gateshead Millennium Bridge, England

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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Shoots & Leaves Instantly Turns iPhone Photos Into Links

iPhone: Sometimes, your iPhone's camera is best used as tool to accent your to-do lists. Whether that means snapping a picture of the exact size bulb you need for your lamp or a goofy sign you want to send to a friend, not all photos need to stay on your camera roll forever. Shoots & Leaves is an app that automatically uploads a snapshot to the web so you don't have to worry about it. When you open Shoots & Leaves, you're immediately taken to the camera. Snap the picture you want, and you can then upload the picture to Imgur, Dropbox, or CloudApp. Then, you can send the link to Reminders, iMessages, email, Drafts, Omnifocus, and more. It's a simple premise that works really well, especially if you're running low on storage space on your iPhone and don't want to waste space on photos. Shoots & Leaves ($1.99) | iTunes App Store

How Can I Quickly Learn Terminal Commands?

A mouse click will only get you so far in Ubuntu. Learning terminal commands is an important step for anyone who's serious about using "the other OS." The experts at Ask Ubuntu provide guidance on the best way to learn "the shell." It seems to me learning how to use the terminal is a prerequisite to learning how to use Ubuntu. So I'm trying to figure out the best way to learn. Is there a Quizlet online flash card set out there? A better way? See the original question here. Randomized Learning (Answered by Radu Rădeanu) You can add the following line (command) at the end of your '~/.bashrc' file: echo "Did you know that:"; whatis $(ls /bin | shuf -n 1) Every time you open the terminal you will learn something about a random command. If you want some fun, you can use 'cowsay' "utility". To install it, run this in terminal: sudo apt-get install cowsay Then add the following line at the end of your '~/.bashrc' file: cowsay -f $(ls /usr/share/cowsay/cows | shuf -n 1 | cut -d. -f1) $(whatis $(ls /bin) 2>/dev/null | shuf -n 1) Or you can add the above line as alias in '~/.bash_aliases'. I added: alias ?='cowsay -f $(ls /usr/share/cowsay/cows | shuf -n 1 | cut -d. -f1) $(whatis $(ls /bin) 2>/dev/null | shuf -n 1)' Whenever you get bored, you can type in terminal: '?' (followed by Enter). It's like playing dice by yourself. Whatis (Answered by Achu) I used to play with 'whatis'. It's not exactly a game, but it's a relatively easy way to learn. For example, type whatis sudo apt-get update and it returns: ![whatis sudo apt-get update]
Before I execute any command, I hit it with 'whatis' first. I learn what I'm going to do, then I will do the command with confidence. If 'whatis' doesn't provide much information or if it's unclear to me, I will go to and read the 'man'. For example, man sudo. Google gives you so much info here, sources inside Ask Ubuntu and outside. Here, LMGTFY: best way to learn terminal commands on Ubuntu.

How Does Technology Help Your Social Anxiety?

Technology gets a bad reputation for disconnecting us from each other and making human interaction less personal. Those complaints are reasonable in some ways, as you gain a certain amount of anonymity online even if you're not actually anonymous. You can show a picture of yourself, give your full name, and say whatever you want, but still have the benefit of taking your time to think about those words and knowing people can't see your reaction. This can be greatly beneficial to people with social anxiety. Are you one of them? If so, tell us how technology has helped you.

Create Some Better Habits This Weekend

Regardless of what you resolved to do in the new year, you won't get very far without some good habits in place. This weekend, take the time to understand how to make better behaviors stick and rid yourself of the old ones. Understand the Psychology of Habits It's hard to form a good habit if you don't know how they work. Most of them form thanks to a cue-routine-reward system. This means you have a cue that triggers the behavior, a routine you go through as a result, and a rewarding feeling you receive at the end. You can use this to understand bad habits and form good ones. It exists at the basis of pretty much everything you do regularly. You also need to pay attention to willpower or you will burn yourself out—unless you're really good at realizing this is all in your head. Don't try to break all your bad habits and create lots of good ones at once. That's a recipe for failure. Take things slow and only tackle one or two at a time. Try a 20 second rule to avoid overdoing it. Slow progress is better than nothing at all. Also, it turns out that physical exercise can help you develop better behaviors. If you've resolved to add a regular fitness routine to your schedule, that's a good place to start. Get Rid of Bad Habits Bad habits can be very hard to break in the first place because you can perform them without realizing. Biting nails, for instance, just sort of happens and by the time you've had your first nibble the damage has been done. To avoid this problem, you need to remind yourself of why you don't want to engage in this default behavior regularly. Tell yourself the harm each time you catch yourself engaging. I did this with a webcam, recording myself explaining what I wanted to accomplish and why and then forcing myself to watch it every night. Nail biting was the only bad habit I struggled to break with no other methods working. This one did, because I created a habit of remembering how much it mattered to me. The important thing is to keep your plan simple. For some, that doesn't mean much more than an if-then cycle. The more work you make yourself do to break a bad habit, the more you're going to wish you weren't doing it. Breaking the habit is difficult enough, so don't add unnecessary complication. Whatever plan you choose, make it a straightforward one. Make Better Habits Creating good habits is fortunately a lot easier than getting rid of bad ones—you just need to repeat a behavior until it gets stuck in your routine. The easiest way I've found to do this is with Jerry Seinfeld's productivity secret: don't break the chain. You basically plan to do something once a day and every time you do it you get a checkmark, gold star, or whatever you want on a calendar. This creates a chain of days, and once it gets long enough you won't want to break it by missing one. If you're a little obsessive like me, this is a very effective strategy. You can even use an app (for Android or iOS) to do it if you don't like paper calendars. Just remember to be patient. For a long time we believed it only took 21 days to form a habit, but that's actually wrong. Give yourself a few months before you assume you've programmed yourself for a new routine.

Prevent Soda Bottles from Fizzing Over with a Ninja Swipe

We've already tried and tested beer cans to figure out how to stop them from fizzing over when shaken, but what about large soda bottles? According to the King of Random (Grant Thompson), a ninja swipe is all you need. This is a hard one to explain, so watch the video above to see it in action. Basically, you start with your middle finger(s) on the side of the cap and you jab forward quickly while maintaining pressure. If you don't stop until you get to your wrist, you'll cause the cap to rotate enough to fly off the bottle. This fast departure doesn't cause the soda to explode out, but rather a lot of vapor to release from the top. As a result, you don't spill sticky liquid all over the place and have a really cool party trick.

BlackBerry Files Lawsuit Against Seacrest’s Typo Keyboard Startup For Infringement

BlackBerry has today filed a lawsuit against startup Typo Keyboards, which is backed by Ryan Seacrest. The company alleges that Typo copied BlackBerry’s patented and “iconic” keyboard design. “We are flattered by the desire to graft our keyboard onto other smartphones, but we will not tolerate such activity without fair compensation for using our intellectual property and our technological innovations,” Steve Zipperstein, BlackBerry’s General Counsel and Chief Legal Officer, said in a statement today. Seacrest invested $1M in the accessory, which encloses an iPhone in a case with a keyboard attached to the bottom half. The keyboard covers the iPhone’s home button but offers an alternate home button on the bottom right corner. BlackBerry says that the Typo Keyboard violates its intellectual property rights, and that it will protect those rights from “blatant copying and infringement.” “BlackBerry’s iconic physical keyboard designs have been recognized by the press and the public as a significant market differentiator for its mobile handheld devices,” the statement concludes. The design certainly bears some resemblance a strong resemblance to BlackBerry’s signature rounded-corner keys and sloped corner design — right down to the placement of the back and return buttons. But one does have to wonder how many ways you can arrange keys on a keyboard. Here’s the BlackBerry Q10 keyboard:
And here’s the Typo keyboard accessory:
Either way, BlackBerry’s death rattle is unlikely to be slowed by its new strategy of ‘get money from Seacrest‘.